Victims Assistance - Overview
Official(s): Lisa McKelvey
Address: 164 E. Jackson St.
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5695
Our Mission
The Mission of the Holmes County Victim Assistance Program is to reduce the trauma of crime by providing information, support and advocacy services to victims of crime and to their families, and to ensure sensitive treatment for victims throughout the criminal justice process.
The Holmes County Victim Assistance Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, or sexual orientation.
Are you a victim?
Crime victims are persons who have suffered physical or emotional harm as the result of a crime. The Holmes County Victim Assistance Program can help assist you in regaining control of your life.
Victim Services are free and confidential, including, but not limited to:
- Providing information, support and advocacy services throughout the criminal justice process to victims, witnesses and their families
- Making all appropriate and necessary referrals and serve as a liaison between the crime victim and all other systems and service providers in the community
- Providing information and assistance about the Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program.
- Courtroom support and advocacy throughout the entire criminal process, including the entire criminal process, including securing a safe waiting area away from the defendant and the defendant's family members.
- Assistance with the preparation of a Victim Impact Statement.